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Main market segment: Retail with nice vacuum packing (300g, 500g, 1kg per bag)
More optional prices with more options specifically as Whole Round, Whole Gutted Only, Moon Cut.
Our live KOI fish material is ice killed to keep the fresh color.
Anabas testudineus, the climbing perch, is a type species of fish of the genus Anabas in the family Anabantidae (the climbing gouramis) which is native to Asia. In Vietnam, it’s called cá rô, or cá rô đồng. Anabas testudineus is known for its ability to migrate from one pond to another by crossing land, especially during the rainy season and usually during the night. Climbing gouramis are so named due to their ability to “climb” out of water and “walk” short distances.
Koi fish is also known as climbing perch, koi mach, anabas testudineus etc. Koi fish is generally a freshwater fish. Usually rivers, canals and the bill are available. The pond can be planted now.
Common Climbing Perch – Koi (Anabas testudineus) fishes are founded in Vietnam, Bangladesh and India. Demand of Koi fish is very high for local and export these years in Vietnam.
Anabas testudineus occurs both brackish and fresh water. In the wild, it can grow up to 25 cm (1 ft) long. It can be caught using specific fish traps.
Koi fish is one of the very tasty, and nutritious fish. Its texture is quite firm and sweet meat. Curry Koi fish is the most famous Bengali Traditional Fish Curry, serve it with hot steamed rice.
As its name suggests, this climbing gourami has a slightly square-shaped head, which is also a little shorter than common climbing perch. Its jaws are also bigger, and the fish has dots on its tail and back of the gills like VAFCO climbing perch, more visible in adult fish.
The delicious and mouthwatering Grilled Koi Fish is a famous dish of world and is very popular in the whole worldwide. It is an amazing dish which is liked by people of every age group. Koi Grill for 25-30 minutes by basting with the remaining marinate halfway through. Serve with onion rings, sliced tomato, lime, green chilies, and coriander leaves.
Koi (Climbing perch) can be cooked with fish sauce, which can be taken with Plain Rice as Lunch or dinner. It’s very popular in Vietnamese table.
In southern Vietnam, climbing perch is often braised in a clay pot with black pepper. In northern Vietnam, the fish is a bit more prized. It can be cooked in many ways: climing perch soup with mustard greens, fried climing perch, climing perch noodle soup, ash-roasted braised climing perch… Some local communities may also have different cooking methods or flavor pairings.
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